
Knowledge Centralization (Chatbot as a Search Engine)

Centralize your business documents and policies into an intelligent chatbot that can find and retrieve them for you.
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The Symphona Advantage

Centralize your business documents and policies into an intelligent chatbot that can find and retrieve them for you.
Optimize Information Access
Never wonder where a document or a rule is again. Converse search engine chatbots can search and retrieve information from a knowledge base based on any type of query.
Locate Information Sources Easily
Converse search engine chatbots will always link a source to any answer it provides to a given query, allowing staff to access documents to cite their sources, double-check accuracy, or research further.
Trust in High Information Accuracy
Generative AI technology allows for Converse chatbots to have a comprehensive understanding of your organization’s knowledge base. Furthermore, Converse search engine chatbots have low response variability, ensuring zero hallucinations.

Chatbot as a Search Engine (Knowledge Centralization)

No matter the size of an organization, its knowledge base is rarely organized well. Documents are kept in randomly placed folders. Staff are unable to tell where to find sources for Important rules, policies, and bylaws. 

The cumulative knowledge and information base of an organization is invaluable – and yet due to pushing organization and maintenance to the side, it becomes almost impossible for staff to search, obtain, and source that information. 

Symphona can help make that information easily accessible to everyone in your organization. 


How Symphona Helps

Your organization can train Converse generative AI agents on any knowledge base and use for a variety of capabilities, one being as a search engine for their documents and information. Converse is no-code, allowing for people of any technical skill to create these agents. Furthermore, with Symphona operating on a usage-based system, your organization only pays based on how many agent interactions you use.

By training a Converse generative agent on an organization’s digital knowledge base, the agent will learn about all the information it receives, including its location, applicability, and how it relates to other information in the system. By leveraging its LLM technology, the agent can accept and reply to queries submitted by staff about locating or verifying specific internal business information. The agent will speak using organic and formal language. 

When search engine chatbots provide information based on a query, they will additionally share a link to the sources they found. This provides staff with a variety of opportunities, such as being able to locate documents, double-check information, or research further. Chatbot responses will always include sources for any information they retrieve. 

Since information accuracy is critical when searching for internal business information, search engine chatbots are designed with low response variability, which prevents hallucinations from occurring. If a chatbot is unable to find information corresponding to a query, it will simply reply that it was unable to obtain a result based on the information provided. This ensures complete accuracy.


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Improve your Knowledge Centralization with Symphona Today!